Below you’ll find the details (functional and technical) for the Company Matching API.

The API works with just a company name (legal or commercial) and country as input, but in order to ensure maximum accuracy of matching and to avoid name coincidences, it’s best if you can provide either a more specific business address (down to city or street / postcode level), or the company’s phone number, or the website of the company, as inputs.

Table of contents:

Real-Time Company Match & Enrich API

How the API works (click to expand)

How the matching works (click to expand)

Technical Docs

Getting your API key

Please speak to your dedicated sales rep. After getting your API key, please store it safely - the link can only be accessed once.

Response codes

Http Status Description
200 OK Standard HTTP successful response
202 Accepted Request was acknowledged and processed but no response was available. Caller should retry request later.
400 Bad Request Standard HTTP invalid request response
401 Unauthorized Standard HTTP unauthorized access response
403 Forbidden Standard HTTP forbidden access response
429 Too Many Requests Standard HTTP response for exceeding rate limits
500 Internal Server Error Standard HTTP response for an unexpected error occurred on our server

Error response format

    "path": "<request_path>",
    "status": <http_status_code>,
    "error": "<http_error_message>",
    "message": "<detailed_error_message>"